



March 28th

Chime lama

My name is chime lama.I am a student in Thomas A. Edison.I moved to America at 2018.It has been a dramatic change for me different food, culture, people, education, language.My parents hoped for a better future and opportunities for me.I am a middle daughter I have two sister one older and one younger.They are my enemies sent by dark reunion to sabotage me and kill me.


I grew up in Nepal a very diverese country with 123 caste and ethnic groups in Nepal speaking 125 languages.We all live in harmony with each other.I am part of a tibetan-nepali group called sherpa whose village is near mount everest the highest mountain.Most sherpas are guides for people seeking to climb it.One of The first people to climb mount everest was Tenzin Norgay a guide for Emmund Hillary.I am very proud of my roots and I will not forget them here in US.

My parents have worked hard all their life.They have been working since pre-teen just to be able to feed their family and clothe them.It is time for me to give them comfort so I need to work hard and have my future set.So one of the step to this goal is my future career.I really am into programming the thought of having to create something by myself and make it pretty and sell it is good.And it also has good money so i will have acheived my goal.

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