LAB #1 LAB #2 LAB #3 LAB #4 LAB #5 LAB #6 LAB #7 LAB #8 LAB #9 LAB #10 LAB #11 LAB #12 LAB #13 LAB #14 LAB #15 LAB #16 LAB #17 LAB #18 LAB #19 LAB #20

Thomas A. Edison CTE HS

web developer academy

10th grade

lab 1

intro to hyper text markup
i love cats
by chime

The < head > is making the head of the page while < /head > closes it inside the < head > we put < title > which makes the big title and the < /title > shows that we finished it. The < body > is the middle part of the webpage we can put text in it by writting < h(every number)> the number represents the number of sentences you make but you must finish it with < /h(the number you put)> We end the < body > with < /body >.WE can also use < p > that is for paragraph to write as a text.

I like cats,racoons,otters,and pandas.I'am here because technology seems to be a big part of the future and i didn't want to get left behind :> I actually joined this school because it was a CTE school and i caould earn money as a side job if i am good at it.I want skills that will help me through out my life maybe i will get a job related to the course im taking !!.I've always wanted a job that will require me to stay home so i can hopefully travel alot.

I just connecte dmy replit to git hub n